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Dora Lewis

We Need Our Men Today

We Need Our Men Today


First it was Kanye, then 50 Cent and now Lil Wayne standing beside arguably— one of the most controversial presidents of our lifetime.

At this very moment, the United States is struggling to find compassion. Today is the day to vote for the things that really made America great. The United States is in desperate need to restore humility, strength, togetherness, and compassion. We’ve witnessed a global pandemic that will go down in history while the president told us it ‘would be gone by Easter’.
Despite the social injustices we’ve witnessed, the police brutality, the insensitive remarks and treatment towards kids of immigrants, not once did we feel any sincerity from president Donald Trump.

As a black woman who witnessed the growth of each of these artists, it was confusing to see these unofficial endorsements. Even after each said artists (excluding Wayne) tried to clear up this seemingly misinterpreted representation, the damage had already been done. Women have stood on the front line fighting for these same injustices. We have marched for our men who were treated unfairly while secretly desiring that same attention. Former President Barack Obama has shown us that it is possible for a man to run the country, raise children, date his wife and be an upstanding citizen who’s sincerity would affect an entire generation.

We stood by Kanye when he announced he was depressed and had liposuction and resurfaced with the red MAGA hat. “He’s still mourning his mom….”

We stood by 50 Cent when he dated Chelsea Handler and made those G-Unit wife t-shirts with the bra-straps. “He’s changing his image…”

We stood by Lil Wayne when he drank syrup, signed a bogus contract and said ‘Black Lives Matter’ has nothing to do with him… “He didn’t understand the contract…”

Now we want our men to stand up for us and go vote. Vote for Sandra Bland, Breonna Taylor, Kathryn Johnston, Korryn Gaines, Atatiana “Tay” Jefferson, Tanisha Anderson, Charleena Lyles, Natasha McKenna, Kyam Livingston, and the countless other black women tragically murdered by police while no convictions were made.

During his campaign for former vice-president Joe Biden, Obama reminded us of what this country was capable of. We can do the right thing. There is more at stake than taxes for millionaires. We have to prepare the future for our children who deserve the best. Joe Biden has worked daily with one of our most loved presidents and he is focused on the people. Obama posted to his Instagram.

@JoeBiden knows that the key to a strong economy isn’t cutting taxes for billionaires; it’s by lifting the prospects of working Americans. He’s got a plan to create ten million good clean energy jobs, fight climate change, and secure environmental justice. Let’s elect a leader who sees this moment not as a chance to get back to where we were, but to finally make long-overdue changes so that our economy actually makes life a little easier for everybody.

Today is the day. Vote for our women, our men, our kids, our ancestors who couldn’t and most importantly…our future.

Let’s go!

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