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Dora Lewis

Blueface Throws Insults at His Mother After She Disses Proposal

Blueface Throws Insults at His Mother After She Disses Proposal


Blueface and his mother are trading shots on social media after she had negative comments about Blue proposing to Jaidyn Alexis over the weekend.

Blueface’s Mom Shades His Proposal

On Sunday (Oct. 22), Blueface’s mother Karlissa Saffold Harvey commented on the news that Blueface put a ring on it. She did not seem happy.

“Did this ninja propose to the maid. Oh well it is October,” Karlissa wrote on her Instagram Story. “You in charge, congratulations…Now tell the people you married the maid just in case you go to prison. The end.”







Read More: Blueface Claims He Saw Megan Thee Stallion’s Wounds on Her Foot After Being Shot by Tory Lanez

Blueface Fires Back at His Mom

Blueface fired back at his mother with several disparaging posts on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“Karlissa, my wife ring is bigger and more valuable than yours. Sine you wanna compete with my wife let’s go ring for ring,” Blueface posted. “Post yo ring an ima post mine you wanna compare bootys right karlissa ? let’s compare rings let’s see what typa ring that old Booty got an what typa ring that new Booty got my wife gone always win.”

Blue didn’t stop there.

“Karlissa married a bum after all them d**ks she took she settled for that lil a** ring my wife had one d**k her whole life an bled yo whole life clown,” he added in another tweet. “My mother is a wh*re been married 3 times 3 kids by 3 different men an never married none of them men only random men she liked with a lot of money so she could divorce an take from them an at the end of it all she’s sleeping with a bum every night sad story fr could never respect her as a women.”

Blueface Previously Roasts Mom for Jaidyn Alexis Diss

Blueface’s mom is clearly not a fan of Jaidyn Alexis, who called her toxic during an interview on The Jason Lee Show last week. Karlissa responded by dissing Jaidyn. Blueface reacted by roasting his mom for calling out Jaidyn.

Read More: Blueface Tells Wild Story of How Jaidyn Alexis Walked in on Him and Chrisean Rock Having Sex

See Blueface dissing his mom for shading Jaidyn Alexis below.

See Wild Insults Blueface Throws at His Mother After She Disses Proposal and Ring He Got Jaidyn Alexis


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