Taxstone Shares Opinion on Joe Budden: ‘A Master Manipulator’
Joe Budden may be commonly known as The Podfather, but to Taxstone, he is a master manipulator. Speaking with Complex on the heels of the publication naming The JBP host No. 1 on their Media Power Ranking list, Tax gave his opinion on Joe, his past co-hosts Rory and Mal’s departure and his new cast.
“I think Rory and Mal finally figured out that Joe was a master manipulator,” Tax said when asked about Budden. “They was suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and Joe manipulates everybody around him. Even them dudes sitting with him now are being manipulated. But you gotta understand some people are alright with manipulation as long as they get something out of it. So I think them dudes know that. But I think they just cool with the situation.”
He added, “Sometimes people don’t got nothing going on in their life. They need to be a part of something. I’m not one of those people. I always tell people if everybody jump on that ship, it’s gonna sink. So I’m always the person that’s like, I’m gonna stay with the land. When y’all get over there y’all write me and tell me what happened.”
Last month, Taxstone was found guilty of manslaughter in connection to a 2016 Irving Plaza shooting. He gets sentenced on April 19, but when he returns home, podcasting again may be out of the question.
“It’s such a weird place,” Tax said. ” Podcasts for hip-hop have become nasty. Everybody’s copying each other. Everybody’s following the same subjects. It’s no original voices. Like it’s corny.”
You can read everything Tax has to say on podcasts, Hip-Hop media as a whole, and more here.
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