Safaree Says Security Slammed Woman Who Threatened to Spit on Him
Safaree is claiming his security recently had to rough up a woman who threatened to spit on him.
On Friday (Dec. 9), Nicki Minaj‘s ex hopped on social media to tell his side of the story before it blows up in the news.
“I’m addressing this right now because now it’s starting to trickle into real life,” Safaree started in the video. “So, I was somewhere just now, I got my kids with me. Some lady, girl, whatever you want to call her, she sees me. She’s like, ‘Good to see you with your kids.’ It was very disrespectful. I don’t know who this lady was, whatever.”
Safaree continued: “I say whatever I say to her. She says to me, ‘Oh, if you weren’t with your kids, I would spit at you.’ I’m with my security. So, now you’re talking crazy. And as she’s saying it, she’s kinda like coming towards me and I’m there, I got the stroller and the kids. He body slammed her so hard, she was on the floor looking stupid. It’s like, yo, you asked for it. You see somebody with their kids. You don’t know me. I don’t care if you seen me on TV, social media, none of that. You do not know me in real life.”
“That fact that somebody really in real life came up to me and said something, and now…I don’t know if it was a close line or a body slam, whatever. She was on the floor looking stupid. She gon’ probably try to sue me now. It is what it is”
Safaree thinks the publicity of his child support case with Erica Mena makes people think they have the authority to talk to him crazy.
“Y’all really taking all this shit way too far,” he added. “You don’t know me in real life. You don’t know nothing going on. My child support will cover your whole mortgage and your whole life for the year. So, y’all don’t worry about nothing going on over here. And mind your blood-clad business.”
Last month, an episode of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta showed Erica Mena breaking down in tears after learning how much money she would be getting from Safaree in child support for their two children.
See Video of Safaree Recounting the Violent Encounter Below
Read 10 Wild Stories That Took Place During Hip-Hop Tours
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