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Dora Lewis

Nardo Wick’s Entourage Sends Fan to Hospital with Concussion, Wick in Touch with Fan’s Mother

Nardo Wick’s Entourage Sends Fan to Hospital with Concussion, Wick in Touch with Fan’s Mother


Nardo Wick is reaching out to the mother of a fan after members of his entourage knocked him out as he asked for a picture.

The 20-year-old fan, identified by his mother as George Obregon Jr., approached Wick outside Club Skye in Tampa when the rapper left. According to TMZ, the fan was attempting to get a picture when he was met with a strong punch that knocked his head into a concrete wall. The fan appears stunned and knocked out on his feet when another entourage member delivers multiple punches, knocking the fan to the ground.

In the video, Nardo Wick is seen attempting to stop the assault, but it was too late. The fan was transported to a local hospital and treated for a severe concussion and hemorrhaging.

The mother, Michelle Obregon, wrote a Facebook message stating, “at no point was my son aggressive at no fuckin point did he show any sign of harm!!! My son wanted a stupid fuckin picture with his favorite artist!!!”

In a video released online, Nardo Wick apologized to the fan and stated he had contacted the mother. “I just want him to know that I ain’t condone that,” Wick said. “I ain’t want that to happen.”


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