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Dora Lewis

Michael Rapaport Calls Out 21 Savage for Saying Nas Is Irrelevant

Michael Rapaport Calls Out 21 Savage for Saying Nas Is Irrelevant


21 Savage‘s recent comments about Nas have outspoken actor Michael Rapaport going off.

On Wednesday (Nov. 16), Michael Rapaport hopped on his soapbox in a TikTok video and weighed in on 21 Savage saying Nas isn’t relevant during a recent Clubhouse discussion.

Nas isn’t relevant?” a baffled Rapaport questioned. “It shows in your work, 21 Savage. And I’m glad you’re making money. I’m glad you’re able to take care of everybody. Only in hip-hip, do people do that. Do they degrade, do they shit on. I gotta pick it up again. I gotta come out again. Me, Michael Rapaport, I gotta be the one to say, how dare you? To say that Nas isn’t relevant.”

He continued: “And we see why you would think Nas is irrelevant, 21 Savage, because when we listen to your music it shows that you’re not a big Nas fan … I hear it in your work. You’re like Cat in the Hat. That’s the kind of rapper you are. ‘Cat in the hat. Jumped over the bat, and he flipped and he flapped. Yappity yap.’”

21 Savage opened a can of worms when he questioned Nas’ relevance in a Clubhouse room titled “Is Nas the Greatest Rapper or What?” on Sunday (Nov. 13).

“I don’t feel like he’s relevant. I just feel like he got fans,” 21 Savage said during the discussion. “He’s not relevant,” continued the Her Loss rapper. “He just has a loyal ass fan base. He just has a loyal fan base and he still make good-ass music.”

21 Savage has since walked back his words.

“I would never disrespect nas or any legend who paved the way for me y’all be tryna take stuff and run with it,” he tweeted on Monday (Nov. 14).

Michael Rapaport isn’t the only person to give 21 a hard time for his comments about Nas. Both Kodak Black and Fivio Foreign have defended the Queens, N.Y. rap legend.

See Video of Michael Rapaport Blasting 21 Savage for His Nas Comments Below

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