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Dora Lewis

The Most Ridiculous Hip-Hop-Related GoFundMe Campaigns

The Most Ridiculous Hip-Hop-Related GoFundMe Campaigns


The invention of GoFundMe has been both a Godsend and an interesting social experiment. Started in 2010, the crowdsourcing platform allows users to raise money for a number of causes ranging from surgery to personal celebrations. Seeing as anyone can begin a campaign about (mostly) anything, the likelihood of some ridiculous requests being made are extremely high. Hip-hop-related content on the site is no different.

Back in 2020, Cardi B expressed a desire to start a GoFundMe page to raise money for incarcerated former zoo owner Joe Exotic, of Tiger King fame, after watching the documentary and proclaiming Joe’s innocence. The Bronx, N.Y. rapper later claimed she was just playing after it was announced doing so would violate GoFundMe company policy and not be allowed.

In October of 2022, fans of Kanye West attempted to use the service to help the polarizing rapper-designer regain his obliterated net worth, the result of several companies cutting ties with him due to his October spree of anti-Black and anti-Semitic rhetoric. In the days following, several GoFundMe pages popped up with the goal to “Make Kanye West a Billionaire Again.”

This isn’t even the first time someone has tried to use GoFundMe to raised capital for Ye. Back in 2016, when Ye claimed he was $53 million in debt, one fan raised close to $60,000 on the crowdfunding site.

Over the years, there have been a list of rap-related GoFundMe campaigns that have left us laughing out loud, scratching our heads or both.

Check Out the Most Ridiculous Hip-Hop-Related GoFundMe Accounts Ever Created Below

The Most Ridiculous Hip-Hop-Related GoFundMe Accounts Ever Created


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