Domestic Violence Case Against Tekashi 6ix9ine’s GF Dropped Due to Rapper Not Cooperating with Prosecutors
The domestic violence case against Tekashi 6ix9ine’s girlfriend, Jade, has been tossed out. According to TMZ, the case was dismissed, which included a domestic violence charge, and was tossed out because 69 would not cooperate with law enforcement.
According to Jade’s attorney Steven Bell, prosecutors reviewed the case and felt without 6ix9ine’s cooperation, they did not have a case.
After the domestic violence event, Jade was not allowed to see the rainbow-haired rapper. TMZ notes Tekashi’s girlfriend was legally not allowed to come close to the rapper, but he thinks it’s unnecessary.
By court order, Jade can’t make phone calls, texts, letters, or social media outreach to 6ix9ine. She must also stay 500 feet from the rapper and cannot use a third party to reach out to him.
Speaking with TMZ, 6ix9ine stated the relationship will be fine, and she can stay in his Florida home with her child until the situation is cleared up. The rapper will stay in a hotel for now and will reunite with Jade once the moment has passed.
Jade was arrested in Miami after a fight. Jade, born Rachel Wattley, was held on $1,500 bail at Miami-Date County Jail. 6ix9ine was on hand to bail his bae out.
In footage from TMZ, 6ix9ine faced off with Jade and a group of women outside a club. One of the ladies swings on Tekashi, and he flees to a car for safety. He was quickly surrounded by security.
Officers state Tekashi and Jade were escorted out of the club while arguing. Tekashi reportedly told an officer Jade hit him, and there were marks on his. Witnesses also revealed Jade grabbed for his chain.
Speaking with TMZ, Tekashi 6ix9ine revealed his girlfriend attacked him while intoxicated and was encouraged to do so by her friends. He added, “I’m gonna get her out jail — she attacked me in front of the police I told them, ‘You have to evaluate her she’s obviously under the influence I don’t plan to press charges … I’m the one trying to bail her out.”
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