Safaree Responds to His Sex Tape Leaking
A Safaree sex tape hit the internet last week, and the rapper-reality show star is reacting to the backlash.
On Monday (Aug. 15), Nicki Minaj‘s ex hopped on Twitter to address the uproar caused over his sex tape with Kimbella Matos leaking. Apparently, people on Twitter have been complaining that Safaree‘s package was smaller than previously seen. He took exception to the sentiment.
“Y’all know damn well I wasn’t hard in that video!” Safaree shot back on Twitter. “I don’t need any promo to be leaking no weak ass half eroused sex tape! I’m appalled to be called a Di#% fisher. Out of everything I’ve been called in my life being called that 1 hurts. You can’t fake my onlyfans vids! You wish!”
In a follow-up post he added, “At the end of the day I have kids and I don’t want them growning up seeing that bullshit! I’m good where I’m at in life why wait till now to do some shjt like that? Y’all can see my meat it happened but I don’t want nobody seeing me have sex . My mom sees everything like wtf!?!?!”
He continued, “I have bad friends telling me to redeem myself and make a new vid and show em what time it is on my only fans I’m like BRUh I’m not a porn star. Girls who know me saying ughh They know what time it is the rest of the world don’t need to know. The internet is a wild place.”
Safaree went viral on social media on Aug. 12 after a sexually explicit video featuring him and his girlfriend Kimbella Matos surfaced online. He threatened to take legal action against who leaked the clip.
“I am Taking full legal and criminal action,” Safaree posted on Twitter. “The person who did that is going to pay. And I am not letting up either. Not letting this 1 slide. This is a cyber crime and I am pressing full charges!!”
Many of the reactions on Twitter revolved around people saying Safaree‘s eggplant was not as impressive in the new video as his nude pictures that leaked in 2018.
“When Safaree sex tape ‘leaked’ but it aint the same [eggplant emoji] from the last ‘leak’….,” one person captioned a video of a group of guys staring at something with unimpressed looks on their faces.
“Me looking at Safaree’s sex tape; underwhelmed and uninspired to touch myself. *blink* *blink*,” another person captioned a photo of Megan Thee Stallion with her faced turned up.
“I just looked up Safaree sex tape. LOL. He defleee not packin. He been stuffin his drawls this whole time???????????” someone else questioned.
After splitting with Nicki Minaj in 2014, Safaree began dating actress Eric Mena and married Mena in 2019. However, they divorced earlier this year. Samuels has been a cast member on Love & Hip Hop since 2016.
See Safaree Respond to His Sex Tape Leak and Reactions to the Video Below
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