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Dora Lewis

Former Dallas Cowboys RB Marion Barber III Died From Heat Stroke

Former Dallas Cowboys RB Marion Barber III Died From Heat Stroke


As previously reported, famed Dallas Cowboys running back Marion Barber III was found dead last month in his apartment in Texas, however, his autopsy has revealed that Barber’s body was found in his apartment where the thermostat was set to 91 degrees.

The autopsy also unveiled that there was no evidence of trauma or drug overdose found in Barber’s body and “no clear evidence of natural disease found.” An incident report from the Frisco Police Department found officers reporting that Barber hadn’t been seen for almost three weeks before his body was found on June 1.

Barber was selected by the Cowboys as the 109th overall pick in the 4th round of the NFL Draft in 2005 and played his entire career except for one season for the Cowboys with the lone season he played for the Chicago Bears before retiring. 

He was just 38-years-old. 


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