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Dora Lewis

The Source |New California Bill Would Allow Kids 12+ To Get COVID Vaccine Without Parental Consent

The Source |New California Bill Would Allow Kids 12+ To Get COVID Vaccine Without Parental Consent


How would you react if your child came home and were vaccinated without your consent? A new bill proposed in California would allow children ages 12 and older to be vaccinated without their parents’ consent.  

If passed, the legislation would ensure California has the youngest age of any state when children can make their own decisions about vaccines. Washington, D.C. allows children ages 11 and older to be vaccinated without approval from parents.

California currently allows children ages 12 and older to, without parental consent, get the Human Papillomavirus and Hepatitis B vaccines, along with treatment of sexually transmitted infections and other medical care.

Democratic State Sen. Scott Wiener introduced the proposal on Thursday. It would allow minors 12 years and older to consent to vaccines that have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  


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