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Dora Lewis

The Source |Digital Underground Co-Founder Shock G Passes At 57

The Source |Digital Underground Co-Founder Shock G Passes At 57


The Hip Hop community is saddened again for the third time this month as Hip Hop legend Shock G of the legendary Digital Underground passed away in Tampa, Florida today. He was 57 years old.

Shock, whose real name is Gregory Jacobs, helped create the Bay-Area based Hip Hop band Digital Underground in 1987, which spawned the career one of Hip Hop’s most prolific icons to date; Tupac Shakur. Also, Jacobs’ self-created alter ego Humpty Hump made up the classic “Humpty Dance” that helped popularize the group in 1989.

Jacobs’ death was announced via social media by friend and bandmate Chopmaster J, who wrote, “34 years ago almost to the day we had a wild idea we can be a hip hop band and take on the world through it all the dream became a reality and the reality became a nightmare for some. And now he’s awaken from the fame long live shock G Aka Humpty Hump and Rest In Peace my Brotha Greg Jacobs!!!”


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