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Dora Lewis

NBA 2K21 Next-Gen to Feature ‘The W’ WNBA My Player Mode

NBA 2K21 Next-Gen to Feature ‘The W’ WNBA My Player Mode


When it comes to what’s next for NBA 2K21 in terms of the WNBA, we finally have some answers.

Ever since the current-gen was announced, many were wondering what would be new features for WNBA. Although the devs hinted at some new features, none were confirmed. But today, NBA2K21 has officially released the trailer for WNBA in the next-gen game.

The trailer introduced “The W,” the first-ever MyPlayer experience for the WNBA. The new mode will allow gamers to create their own WNBA players and develop them through a professional career. 

This is the next step for the WNBA in NBA 2K games. This is the second straight year 2K will feature the WNBA but this time the stakes have been raised.

While the major feature is “The W”, MyPlayer experience for WNBA player, there are numerous other features that will be introduced subsequently. Let’s have a brief look at the features as mentioned in the courtside report by NBA 2K.

The W and subsequent WNBA MyPlayer mode will be made available when NBA 2K21 launches on November 10 for Xbox Series X/S and November 12 for PlayStation 5.


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