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Dora Lewis

safaree security slammed woman Tag

Safaree Says Security Slammed Woman Who Threatened to Spit on Him

[ad_1] Safaree is claiming his security recently had to rough up a woman who threatened to spit on him.On Friday (Dec. 9), Nicki Minaj's ex hopped on social media to tell his side of the story before it blows up in the news."I'm addressing this right now because now it's starting to trickle into real life," Safaree started in the video. "So, I was somewhere just now, I got my kids with me. Some lady, girl, whatever you want to call her, she sees me. She's like, 'Good to see you with your kids.' It was very disrespectful. I don't know who this lady was, whatever."Safaree continued: "I say whatever I say to...