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Dora Lewis

quando rondo confronted Tag

Quando Rondo Gets Confronted by Man While Shopping

[ad_1] A man appears to have pulled up on Quando Rondo recently, trying to catch a fade.In video footage that began circulating online on Thursday (Sept. 16), Quando is seen at the mall, getting his items rang up by the cashier. Moments later, he is approached by an unidentified man, who wants to fight the rapper."You ain't scrap," the man said on the clip. "You ain't dirty. I said go the bathroom. Let's go to the bathroom and get a one."The random guy reiterated: "Let's go to the bathroom and get a one. Scary ass nigga."It's unclear why Quando Rondo was confronted by this man, but in the short footage, the Savannah, Ga. rhymer...