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Dora Lewis

mase fivio foreign Tag

Mase Claims Fivio Foreign Received a $750,000 Record Deal Advance

[ad_1] Ma$e is now telling his side of the story about Fivio Foreign only getting a $5,000 record deal advance and the former Bad Boy artist is claiming he actually facilitated a $750,000 contract for the Brooklyn rhymer.On Sunday night (Jul 31), the Million Dollaz Worth of Game podcast released the latest episode, where they gave Ma$e a chance to rebut Fivio Foreign's claims on the previous episode. The Harlem World rapper came with receipts in the form of a "file" on his phone."I had to put a file together on all the history that was left out," Ma$e said at the 5:28-mark of the interview. "What he came up here and said was very...

Mase Says He’s ‘Diddy 2.0’ in Response to Fivio Foreign’s Claims

[ad_1] Ma$e appears to have responded to Fivio Foreign after he revealed that he signed to the former Bad Boy Records artist for $5,000.On Saturday (July 30), Ma$e, born Mason Betha, jumped on his Instagram page and posted a video of himself with Gillie Da Kid and Wallo267 of the Million Dollaz Worth of Game podcast. Wallo is looking at the camera and says, "$5,000, man. $5,000." Meanwhile, Ma$e is drinking from his bottled water and is weaving back and forth before he says, "Diddy 2.0." It looks like we’ll hear more from Ma$e on the next episode of MDWOG.Ma$e’s off-handed comment may be in reference to his long-standing grudge with Diddy...