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Dora Lewis

hip hop illuminati Tag

Rappers Who Claim to Be Part of the Illuminati Without Proof

[ad_1] Ever since Prodigy rapped "Illuminati want my mind, soul and my body" on LL Cool J's 1995 song, "I Shot Ya (Remix)," talks of the secret society have become more popular within the hip-hop community. A year later, DJ Premier went on to famously sample those lyrics for the production of Jay-Z’s 1996 record, "D’evils." In turn, these two records have sparked rumors and debates about the Illuminati and its involvement in a rapper's career advancement and more.At the same time, the conspiracy theory has convinced people to believe that rappers are pushing this agenda onto their audiences through their lyrics, performances and personal styles, to name a few. Whether the Illuminati exists or...