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Dora Lewis

eminem kneel super bowl Tag

Eminem Kneels During Super Bowl Halftime Show – Watch

[ad_1] Eminem took a kneel during the Super Bowl halftime show.Earlier tonight (Feb. 14), Slim Shady took a kneel during his performance at the Pepsi Halftime Show. This came following rumors that the NFL turned down his request to make the gesture during his performance.The moment came during Em's performance of "Lose Yourself." He ended the song and collapsed down to one knee.This story is being updated.See Hip-Hop Albums That People Hated When They First Came Out and Over Time Became BelovedWhich album were you not a fan of at first?window.twttr = (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], t...