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bobbi althoff Tag

Drake Says Bobbi Althoff Has Horrible Parenting in New Interview

[ad_1] Drake said on a new episode of The Really Good Podcast that podcaster Bobbi Althoff had horrible parenting after she admitted to skipping her daughter's birthday to interview him.Drake Says Podcaster Bobbi Althoff Has Horrible Parenting After Her ConfessionOn Thursday (July 20), Bobbi Althoff posted an interview she did with Drake on her podcast, The Really Good Podcast, via YouTube. In the video, which can be seen below, Bobbi Althoff admitted at the 49:57-mark that she skipped her daughter's birthday to interview the Canadian rapper. Bobbi Althoff's secret was revealed after she thought Drake was ending their interview."I flew all the way here on my daughter's first birthday," Bobbi Althoff stated in...